Professional Coaching
Why Coaching? We are all wired with our own unique style of communicating and collaborating with others. Whether engaging with our team at work, our peers in the industry or our clients, we must understand our own communication patterns and leadership style in order to be more effective in everything we do.
When you decide to work with a coach, you will complete a Participant Profile and a Primary Focus form. These tools will help you and your coach identify the main areas of focus for your engagement, based on your specific goals and needs.
What kind of results can you expect through providing coaching at work? The International Coaching Federation (ICF) reports the following statistics on the benefits of executive coaching:
Increase in Individual Performance
Increase in Team Performance
Increase in Organizational Performance
The coaching process will take you on a journey of self-development and personal success. Who doesn’t want that?
What you can expect to learn:
How your tone, language and overall demeanor can work for you (or against you) at work
Ways to increase self-awareness about how you’re perceived by others on your team
Best practices to help you remain approachable even in tough conversations
Strategies to help you create a productive and empowered environment with and for your team
What you’ll receive:
Summary of results from your personalized Communication Impact Report via individual assessments (such as DISC, Driving Forces, Strengths, etc.)
Actionable tools you can put into place immediately in your role
Personalized coaching to help you improve your leadership and communication skills with internal and external contacts
This is best for someone who is:
Interested in personal and professional growth
Eager to develop skills in emotional intelligence and conscious awareness
Willing to demonstrate a commitment to developing their potential
Open to feedback and excited to work 1:1 with a coach
Organizations that offer training alone experience 22% increase in productivity, but when combined with Professional Coaching, productivity rises to 88%.
(Gerald Olivero, Denise Bane & Richard Kopelman, Public Personnel Management)
Increase in Productivity when Training is Offered, in addition to Professional Coaching